2021 Workshops

Workers First Agenda, PRO Act and Polling

The labor movement’s agenda is moving! In this session, participants will learn about recent polling trends that illustrate the favorable public opinion environment, including support for the PRO Act. We’ll also share updates on our Workers First Agenda and steps toward moving labor’s policies through the White House and Congress.

State and Local Legislation: Shifting the Balance of Power

Do you have a three-, five- and 10-year plan to flip your state legislature? To shift from a Democratic majority to a pro-union majority? To build or strengthen the political power needed to win for workers? To build a bipartisan coalition to fight back the attacks on workers?

In this session, we will discuss and share successful tools and strategies used by state and local leaders to create opportunities to flip state legislatures. Make sure to join so you can begin developing your plan to build power for working people and our families!

Communications 101

The pandemic has changed the way we communicate with our members. Never before has it been so important for us to communicate digitally and respond rapidly to changing events. Join our Communications 101 workshop as we explore ways to improve your use of digital tools, upgrade your website and write statements that stand out in the crowd.

Tools Available to Local Unions and Federated Bodies

One of the core missions of the AFL-CIO is to provide the backbone for member contact technology across the labor movement. This workshop will review the wide array of tools and tech to help you run the strongest, most effective campaigns to engage with your members, activists and potential members.

Labor's Role in Protecting the Right to Vote

Voting rights are under attack again across America. But the labor movement continues to fight back against these attacks. Come learn about the current state of voting rights and what the labor movement can do to protect this vital right.

Organizing in the Renewable Energy Sector 

The PRO Act is coming. Have we created the environment we need for organizing at that scale in our states? Join us for a discussion with labor leaders and community allies about softening the ground for organizing.